The Pioneer Days Parade is at 10 a.m., Saturday, in Cle Elum. Photo courtesy of the Cle Elum Downtown Association
Cooling centers to open
With the temperature forecasted to climb over the next several days, possibly reaching 104 by Tuesday, Hal Holmes Community Center will open as a cooling center starting today. The center will be open from noon to 7 p.m., today, 2 to 7 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday and noon to 7 p.m. on Monday. People are welcome to bring snacks or a dinner. Family-friendly movies will be shown. The National Weather Service issued an excessive heat warning starting at noon today.
Boulet Theatre presents “The Masked Canary”
The Boulet Theatre production of “The Masked Canary” opens at 7 p.m., today at the Centennial Center in Cle Elum. Performances are also scheduled for Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Saturday’s show is a benefit dinner fundraiser. Regular show tickets are $10 and the fundraiser is $75 with only advance tickets sold.
First Friday events planned
First Friday events in Ellensburg include Gallery One’s opening reception for its Trimpin exhibit and Ellensburg Community Radio’s jam-band party at the Ink Building at 405 Main St., where people can listen to legendary jam bands such as the Grateful Dead and the Dave Matthews Band and are encouraged to chill out while wearing tie-dye. First Friday is from 5 to 7 p.m. at venues throughout the downtown.
Kittitas celebrates Saturday
Kittitas celebrates the Independence Day weekend with a celebration from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., Saturday at Gazebo Park. There will be arts and crafts booths during the day and a street dance with live music at night.
Movies in the park underway
Ellensburg’s Movies in the Park program features “Wish” at around 9 p.m., tonight, at Veterans’ Memorial Park. The free movies are shown on Friday nights at the park through Aug. 2. People are asked to bring chairs and snacks.
Pioneer Days Parade on Saturday
The Pioneer Days Parade at 10 a.m., Saturday, in downtown Cle Elum headlines the weekend community festival. Other Saturday activities include Roslyn Riders Play Day, Ronald Heritage Festival, live music downtown, dock diving dogs, and the Pioneer Days Queen reception. Sunday events include the Kiwanis Youth Fishing Derby and the Fireman’s Pioneer Breakfast.
Pfenning Road project starts Monday
The Pfenning Road improvement project between Vantage Highway and Radio Road starts on Monday. Work includes utility improvements, sidewalk and stormwater swale improvements and a new driving surface. The area will have detours, and the project will continue through early September.
Crosswalk painting begins Monday
Crews begin painting crosswalks at city intersections starting Monday. Traffic controls and delays can be expected on Helena Avenue, 18th Avenue and Dean Nicholson Boulevard this coming week.
County holds hearing to set price for First and Last Chance Tavern property
The Kittitas County will hold a public hearing at in the commissioners’ auditorium at 2 p.m., July 16 to set a minimum price for property located at 1200 E. University Way, which is the address of the First and Last Chance Tavern. The county purchased the tavern property in 2016 as part of the Kittitas Valley Event Center expansion project.
The FISH Open Table is closed today for the Independence Day holiday.
The forecasted high today in Ellensburg is 98 degrees. Sunset is at 8:59 p.m., and the expected nighttime low is 64 degrees. Winds will be 15 to 25 mph. The weekend forecast calls for highs of 98 on Saturday and 102 on Sunday.