The lobby between Hal Holmes Community Center and the Ellensburg Public Library is open as a warming center each morning this week.
Cle Elum council considers not-sanctuary city resolution
The Cle Elum City Council meets at 6 p.m., tonight, at the City Council Chambers. A resolution declaring that Cle Elum is not a sanctuary city is on the agenda. Councilmember Steven Harper is proposing the resolution.
County goes paperless
The Kittitas County Community Development Services announced it is implementing paperless permit submittals, plan review services and inspections for all building permit types. Documents can be submitted via email or submitted through the uploader feature on the Community Development Services website. Information is on the Kittitas County website.
Shaquem Griffin to speak at CWU
Former Seattle Seahawk Shaquem Griffin will speak at Central Washington University at 7 p.m., Thursday in the SURC Ballroom. Griffin made history as the first one-handed player in the National Football League. His presentation is part of Central’s Black History Month celebration and is free and open to the public.
City to open warming center
With frigid temperatures in the forecast, the city will open the lobby between Hal Holmes Community Center and the Ellensburg Public Library at 8 a.m. as a warming center each day this week.
After-hours event in Roslyn tonight
Abourezk and Co. at 101 E. Pennsylvania Ave. in Roslyn hosts the Kittitas County Chamber of Commerce’s After-Hours event at 5 p.m., tonight. Abourezk and Co. is a furniture consignment shop.
Valley Theatre presents “Peter and the Star Catcher”
Valley Theatre continues its Winter Play, “Peter and the Star Catcher,” this week at the IOOF Oddfellows Ballroom with performances at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and 2 p.m. on Saturday. The play is based on the novel by Dave Berry and Ridley Pearson. Tickets are $20 for general admission and can be purchased on the Valley Theatre website.
Winterhop Brewfest is on Saturday
The 21st annual Winterhop Brewfest is from noon to 5 p.m., at venues throughout downtown Ellensburg. The event features craft beers from brewers around the region, live music and more. Ticket information is on the Kittitas County Chamber of Commerce’s website.
The Enterprise Challenge deadline extended
The deadline for the Enterprise Challenge has been extended to Feb. 21. Enterprise Challenge is a business plan competition open to new and emerging companies in Kittitas County. The Kittitas County Chamber of Commerce sponsors the event and entry information is on the chamber’s website.
High school post-season underway
Ellensburg High School basketball begins CWAC tournament play this week. The Bulldog boys travel to play Grandview at 6 p.m., tonight. Ellensburg girls host Grandview at 6 p.m., Wednesday.
Central athletes honored
Three CWU athletes earned league honors this week. Track and field athlete Emy Ntekpere was named GNAC Women’s Field Athlete of the Week for setting a new CWU record in the triple jump in a meet this weekend. Capi Sims was named GNAC Women’s Basketball Player of the Week and Garrett Anderson was named GNAC Men’s Basketball Player of the Week.
The FISH Open Table Lunch is chicken artichoke alfredo, mixed vegetables and pears. The lunch is open to all seniors age 60-plus from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., in Ellensburg, and noon to 1 p.m., in Cle Elum. Meal sites are the Ellensburg Open Table and the Cle Elum Seventh-day Adventist Church. The community lunch for anyone needing a hot meal is from 1 to 2 p.m. at the Ellensburg location.
The forecasted high today in Ellensburg is 30 degrees. Sunset is at 5:21 p.m., and the expected nighttime low is 7 degrees. Winds will be light and variable.